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New era of Colway International. Solutions and improvements

New era of Colway International. Solutions and improvements

Colway International is in its fourth year of operation on the market. This is the time to verify what brings us results and what needs to be changed. From 2nd of October we are introducing significant improvements in the financial plan that will strengthen the position of Business Partner, Manager, Leader, Vice Director and Director.

Override commission qualification

The first good news is the fact that we lower the qualification for override commission from 200 VP to 100 VP. Thanks to this our new Business Partners will more quickly enjoy two commission sources.


In practice, this means that after collecting 200 VP in the Override Commission Tree, of which 100 VP on the weaker side, the new Business Partner will receive a payment of 5% on the turnover generated in the Tree.

Higher  Generation Commission for the rank of Business Partner

Another good news! The Generation Commission for the rank of Business Partner from 2nd of October will be the same as for the Manager rank. We are raising it so that every new BP will feel that building a group pays off already at the beginning of one’s business journey!


This change will cause that new Business Partners will feel in shorter time that they are really making money at Colway International.

Bonus for promotion to the Buisness Partner rank

An analogous solution to the other Bonuses for promotion to a higher rank. We have eliminated the turnover criterion so that the new Partner can receive his first bonus faster. You only need to be promoted to the Business Partner rank and keep it for 5 of 8 consecutive Settlement Periods to receive 50 PP straight to the Virtual Wallet.


This is an additional financial benefit for people starting their career at Colway International. Also it is a good argument to present to Partners who are not focused on building a business with C.I.

Accumulation of Bonus

We present additional support for the most active - accumulation of bonuses. If the Partner, due to the very dynamic development, jumps one of the ranks, e.g. from the rank of Partner will be promoted directly to the Leader rank and keep it for five of eight consecutive Settlement Periods ... there will be a bonus accumulation! What does it mean? One will receive the Managers' bonus for the Leader rank, Manager’s bonus for the rank of Manager and Business Bonus - in this case a total of 1,450 VPs.


Support for dynamic development of new Partners in the group.

Lowering qualifications for Ranks

To facilitate promotions for Colway International's Partners, we lower the turnover criteria for ranks:

Leader: 3000 PZ 2000 PZ

Vice Director: 8000 PZ 5000 PZ

Director: 15000 PZ 10000 PZ

The structural criteria remain unchanged.


More promotions in the group, faster entitlement to use the higher generations of the Generation Commission. New Partners will earn more.

Growth Bonus

We are introducing a division into three zones: manager’s, director’s and presidential. If ever in the history of cooperation with Colway International Partner held the rank of example VP - to qualify for the Growth Bonus – one must be in the presidential zone. A fall to the director’s zone, for example to the rank of Director, means that the partner will not get the qualification. After returning to the presidential zone, you will get the qualification. Same applies to other zones.


Rewarding the Partners that have stable Groups.

Car program

Available on all Colway International markets (except Ukraine). Premium brands with a low installment for car use and a favorable system of additional payment.

Details in the tab à Biznes à Benefits à Car Program

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